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How to | What’s in it for you| Rules
If you’re a woman of legal drinking age, it’s easy, but it does require a few things. (If you’re a man, find a woman to help you out with this part.)
What you will need:
- One woman with a love of craft beer to serve as organizer, point-person, and be your Barley’s Angels’ liaison. She will fill out the Chapter Application and be responsible for your chapter.
- A completed and approved Barley’s Angels registration form and annual membership fee.
- A public space that is licensed to serve beer to act as the base for your Barley’s Angels meetings. Or you may choose to conduct “roving” meetings.
- A plan for publicizing your Barley’s Angel chapter and gatherings to members and potential members and a method for implementing that plan. (A forum has been added to this site for these purposes, as well as Facebook and Twitter)
- A way to serve food at your meetings, whether served in-house or catered.
What’s in it for you?
You will tap into the sharing of ideas and the spirit of camaraderie throughout our organization. Being a vital part of this global movement.
Benefits include, but are not limited to:
- Public listing and chapter pages on the Barley’s Angels website, so that members and other beer-loving women can find your chapter and learn more about your meetings — it’s a great way to reach out to both local and traveling women so that they find your establishment and events.
- Inclusion in media/press/promotional activities of the organization as a whole.
- Access to participate in forums and video conference calls where other Barley’s Angels chapter representatives may discuss and share ideas to make Barley’s Angels even better. And where chapters can have a voice in the direction we take and the materials that we develop.
- Authorization to post to the website, adding your events. Your posts are automatically added to our social media channels; maximizing online search results.
- Use of all Barley’s Angels promotional materials, and support materials.
- Barley’s Angels merchandise for purchase.
- Personalized advice and assistance from Barley’s Angels director Christine Jump. Christine founded the first Barley’s Angels Chapter in Portland Oregon, has produced Craft Brew Cast since 2007, is a member of the Pink Boots Society, a 2008 Michael Jackson Beer Journalism Award nominee, and a respected member of the NW Brewing scene since 1999. Christine took the helm of Barley’s Angels in May 2012, holds a degree in Commercial Art/Marketing, is tri-lingual, and is passionate about craft beer and brewing.
- Barley’s Angels news and announcements.
updated 7/2/12
(aka Terms and Conditions)
(updated 8/31/14)
Please be sure to play by the rules, or we will have to rescind permission to use the Barley’s Angels’ name for your club, and your listing within also will be removed.
- Barley’s Angels is an educational beer network; not a drinking club (although fun is definitely encouraged!). There must be some sort of educational element to each meeting, be it food pairings or exploring different examples of a specific beer style. Each meeting is required to state in the promotional materials what the educational element will be. The organizer(s) are then required to provide and present that information and the materials required for the meeting, either by themselves or by inviting experts to present the information.
- All Barley’s Angels members and/or chapter meeting attendees must be of legal drinking age in your area.
- All Barley’s Angels members are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and drink responsibly. Barley’s Angels are not responsible for any legal issues that take place because of overconsumption or illegal drinking at any chapter meeting.
- Barley’s Angel’s meetings should be open to all female members of the public that can prove they are of legal drinking age. It is recommended you collect contact information from your attendees, such as e-mail addresses, so you can remind your attendees when the next meeting is coming up.
- Your meeting space must be licensed to serve beer according to your local regulations. In addition to the rules detailed in becoming and maintaining a Barley’s Angels chapter, you must also agree to follow any house rules and regulations established by this meeting space or work with the space for mutually agreed-upon special circumstances. It is OK for your chapter to take “field trips” and hold meetings at other locations, such as other breweries, festivals, homebrew clubs or stores, etc., provided that those locations and the “field trip” location still meet all the other Barley’s Angels requirements detailed in this document.
- Always use the Barley’s Angels logo on support materials and to promote your chapter, (i.e. websites, announcements, posters, newsletters, advertisements, menus, and sign-in sheets). Download the logo from the website. Other than resizing the logo may not be altered without the pre-approval of the Director. It may be used on signs, banners, and advertisements in conjunction with your business logo and/or the host establishment’s logo. Barley’s Angels logo is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Sales of merchandise bearing the Barley’s Angels logo and/or pre-approved modifications of the logo are available solely through Contact Barley’s Angels Director, Christine Jump to collaborate for customized products.
- To qualify as a Barley’s Angels chapter and use Barley’s Angels’ name, the meetings must be regularly scheduled and ongoing. To be a Barley’s Angels chapter, a minimum of four meetings must be held annually (monthly, bi-monthly, or other more regular meeting frequencies are encouraged, of course!) One-time or random, periodic events cannot use the Barley’s Angel’s name.
- A nominal fee of some kind must be charged to the attendees/members at each meeting. Meetings cannot be free to attendees/members. You may charge enough to cover your costs, or make a profit, or even choose to hold meetings at a loss, but at least a nominal fee must be charged. This encourages members to take their meetings seriously and responsibly. Some chapters contribute profits to the Pink Boots Society’s scholarship fund. It’s all up to you.
- Even if the focus of the meeting is not centered on food, each meeting must provide food that pairs well with the beers being presented, to help attendees pace their beer consumption. The food should be either prepared at the meeting site or catered and should be ample enough to accommodate all attendees throughout the course of the meeting. Food-and-beer pairings are encouraged as a way to persuade women to embrace and explore how good beer enhances the pleasures of food. Beer serving sizes should be small, and the pace of beer service should not exceed 16 ounces per person per hour. Chapter organizers and/or the establishment’s representatives are responsible for refusing to further serve visibly intoxicated people.
- You must serve at least one sample of another brewery’s beers at 50 percent of your meetings — if allowed by law. More variety is encouraged. This rule applies to breweries of every size, contract beer producers, or if your pub/restaurant is owned by or associated with a brewery. Not every meeting can be all about your own beer. This requirement makes sure that members have actually presented with a viable education about beer and not a class designed to market a specific beer or brewery. Without this rule, the objective of education about beers and beer styles could quickly fall away.
- Chapter and meeting organizers are encouraged to keep a record of what is served, both beer and food. Not only is this handy to have as a historical record of what you’ve done in the past, and what worked, but you may need it to prove a point to us. If a complaint is made that you served beer without food, or you never served any of your competitors’ beers, we have the right to solicit a copy of your chapter’s meeting records, and you will need to prove that you followed the rules. If you can’t prove it to us, we have the right to revoke your chapter’s registration.
- No Men Allowed, except as information presenters or servers. Barley’s Angels is a women’s educational beer group. Men can attend to present information, but they cannot be members of your chapter nor attend your meetings as participants.
- If any part of these rules seems discouraging, daunting, or confusing, please let us know so we can clarify them for you, and rewrite them so we don’t confuse anyone else. Thanks! Send an e-mail with your fuzzy thoughts to christine[at]